
For a healthy smile, it is very important that not only the teeth but also the gums are healthy. However, in some cases, various problems may occur in the gums, and one of them is “gum recession”. Gum recession is a condition in which the gum recedes from the teeth and decreases. Let’s better understand gum recession by examining the causes and treatment methods of this problem.

Causes of Gum Recession:

  1. Periodontal Diseases: The most common cause of gum recession is periodontal diseases. Periodontal diseases are diseases that occur as a result of inflammation of the gums and structures that support the teeth. Plaque and tartar buildup can irritate the gums and cause inflammation, causing gum recession.
  2. Brushing Habits: Brushing teeth too hard or incorrectly can injure the gums, causing them to recede.
  3. Teeth Clenching and Grinding (Bruxism): Teeth clenching and grinding can cause the gums to be under constant pressure and recede.
  4. Genetic Predisposition: Some people may be genetically more prone to gum recession.
  5. Smoking: Smoking can damage gums and contribute to gum recession.
  6. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause can cause tenderness and receding gums.
  7. Mouth Injuries: Oral injuries can damage the gums and cause them to recede.

How to Treat Gum Recession?

Treatment of gum recession may vary depending on the underlying causes. The aim of the treatment is to restore the gums and protect the structures that support the teeth. Treatment methods may include:

  1. Professional Teeth Cleaning: Cleaning tartar and plaque can help control periodontal disease, which is one of the causes of gum recession.
  2. Gum Surgery: In severe gum recession, surgical intervention may be required to restore the gums.
  3. Orthodontic Treatment: If irregularities in the teeth can cause gum recession, these irregularities can be corrected with orthodontic treatment and the health of the gums can be preserved.
  4. Dental Prostheses: Dentures that replace missing teeth can protect the gums and prevent them from receding.

Remember, early diagnosis and treatment of problems such as gum recession is very important to protect the health of teeth and gums. With regular dentist check-ups and good oral hygiene, you can keep your gums healthy and have a beautiful smile.

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